Hello Again!

This is so great. Refreshing, really. I’m stoked to put some ink to paper or little tiny pixels to screen, however you want to think about it.

Leaving professional sport behind felt like shedding a thick layer of skin and identity. In navigating the world after the regime of training and racing, I am refreshed to find purpose in the natural world. I am intensely curious as to how connecting to ourselves, our communities and the natural world might make this world a little - or a whole lot - better.

In pursuit connection for everyone, everywhere, my thesis research will look to the public education system. Beginning in September of 2021, I will be embarking on a research journey that will follow a group of Alberta teachers. I am excited to share that my research will be federally supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council! My qualitative, arts-based research project will combine art journal practice and nature reflection to encourage connection to self, others and the natural world.

I am encouraging myself to start back on this blog as a way to share my finds and wonderings as I progress through my graduate research. This space is adept at hearing stories of race trails and trials, but I’m looking forward to shift it into a space to share idea nuggets, a bit of art and a lot of nature! Stay tuned.
